Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979 CE for Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, & MFT!! Section
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| Table of Contents | Introduction In this section, we will discuss three different modes of diagnosis of clients with fetal alcohol syndrome. These different diagnostic modes include: physical and behavioral characteristics; emotional characteristics; and less severe characteristics. As you are already aware, there are several different disorders related to prenatal exposure to alcohol. These include possible fetal alcohol effects or PFAE, fetal alcohol effects or FAE, alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder or ARND and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD, which is what this course mainly deals with. 3 Key FASD Diagnostic Modes ♦ Mode #1 - Physical and Behavioral Characteristics As FASD clients mature, manifestations of the damage become more and more prevalent. Extremely high rates of mental illness as well as high rates of disrupted school experiences, trouble with the law, and alcohol and other drug problems are more widespread in clients with FASD. In early childhood and adolescence, a client with FASD may have difficulties generalizing information, matching words and behavior, predicting outcomes of events, and distinguishing fact from fantasy. When a client’s parents realize that their child has FASD, I find it useful to prepare them for the difficulties their son or daughter may face in the future. Julie, age seven, was the adopted daughter of Rick and Jan. When she was first born, Jan noticed that there was something unique about the way Julie looked. Jan stated, "Her mouth looked like she was smiling, but I know for a fact that newborn infants can’t smile, their muscles aren’t developed. After she started walking, she got into all sorts of trouble. When I wasn’t looking, she grabbed the radiator and burned herself! I told her, ‘That’s hot, don’t touch it again.’ Even though she was three, she should have learned, but the next day she touched it again! And it’s the same with other mistakes. She doesn’t seem to connect her actions with their consequences!" At the age of five, Julie had been diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. I stated to Rick and Jan, "Because Julie’s difficulty learning and memorizing is going to become more pronounced the older she gets, I feel that it is important for you to understand that she is going to need more attention from you. As you have already noticed, she doesn’t learn from her mistakes, so supervision is key. Also, patience with her is important because she does not understand that what she is doing is wrong." Think of your Rick and Jan. How would you prepare them for the difficulties ahead? ♦ Mode #2 - Emotional Characteristics The FASD child knows no boundary of trust and even when that trust is broken, the client will continue to unreservedly place his or her faith in others. FASD clients will often remain naïve, despite their years, but they can also be grumpy, irritable, and rigid. They may become frustrated with their inability to interact normally with the world around them. Lionel, age 9, was a friendly young client. Although he had difficulty implementing learned material in everyday life, his IQ was relatively normal, as well as his verbal communication. However, his adoptive parents, Don and Stacey, were concerned with his indiscrimination towards strangers. Don stated, "We’ll take him to a park, and lose sight of him almost immediately because he’s gone to make friends! And that’s all well and good when his friends are other children his age, but he goes up to complete strangers and engages them in conversation. I’m afraid, and so is Stacey, that one of his new friends is going to take advantage of his trusting nature and we will never see Lionel again!" I stated to Don and Stacey, "Although Lionel may not be able to learn the difference between friend and stranger on his own, you can facilitate his attributes and reduce the risk of harm by providing a structure for him. Instead of taking him to the park, organize a play day with other children in the neighborhood. The next time you take him to a park, encourage him to play games with the other children. If he is otherwise occupied, he may be less inclined to talk to strangers." Think of your Lionel. How could his or her parents prevent him or her from approaching possibly unfriendly strangers? ♦ Mode #3 - Less Severe Characteristics Although the client may not exhibit the physical characteristics of clients with FASD, he or she may have less obvious behavioral problems. These abnormalities do not usually make themselves known until the client has been enrolled in school, when their parents can compare them to other children. Janice, age 6, had been brought in to me after her teachers reported a severe deficiency in attentiveness. Her mother, Macy, had thought that her daughter was merely curious and precocious. She stated, "Janice was always energetic and on-the-go at home. I thought she was much more advanced than the other children, but the teachers tell me that she’s flighty and doesn’t sit still." I asked Macy about alcohol usage during her pregnancy with Janice. Macy stated, "She wasn’t really a planned pregnancy. My husband and I didn’t want children until we were a little more financially secure, but we weren’t the most careful of couples. I didn’t know I was pregnant with Janice until a month in, and I had been drinking regularly that entire time. f I did this to her, I don’t know how I could live with myself!" I stated to Macy, "Janice’s behavior problems may have stemmed from the exposure to alcohol, but her symptoms are much less severe than other clients I have treated. Her behavioral problems can be relatively easily treated with love and support. By providing a structured environment at home, adjusting to the structured life at school will become easier for Janice." We will discuss creating this structured environment in later sections. Think of your Janice. What characteristics of prenatal exposure to alcohol does he or she exhibit? In this section, we discussed three different modes of diagnosis of clients with fetal alcohol syndrome. These different diagnostic modes included: physical and behavioral characteristics; emotional characteristics; and less severe characteristics. In the next section, we will examine four secondary disabilities frequently found in FASD clients. These four secondary disabilities include: mental health; frequent troubles with authoritative institutions; alcohol abuse; and inappropriate sexual behavior. QUESTION 1 |