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Transference Analysis
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let's look at the importance of psychological anchors and transference
regarding the mutual fate bond. As you know, the experience of being a hostage
does not end with the resolution of the situation. As with PTSD, many hostages
relive the experience through daily psychological anxiety and sleepless nights.
Studies ascertain how potential hostages might better cope with the experience
of being in captivity. Psychological
Anchors One of the greatest difficulties with any alien situation is
the inability to find the psychological anchors that we all require in order to
deal with life. Uncertainty is most difficult in an anxiety-ridden circumstance.
The degree of anxiety produced in such situations is said to be so great that
even situations that produce clear cut negative expectations are perceived as
being easier to manage than uncertain situations with a more positive outcome.
The captive can anticipate and understand what his captors are doing and what
is likely to follow. To the extent that this is possible and that the process
is reinforced by the hostage having made accurate predictions, the level of uncertainty,
disorientation, and anxiety is sharply reduced. It is also important for the individual
to make some mental link to the outside world.
♦ Transference
of the Mutual Fate Bond Lets look once again at transference from
the point of view of time in captivity and a mutual fate bond that develops.
The perception that time is on the side of the negotiators is based on the psychological
concept of transference. As you know transference is a mental process through
which a sense of closeness and attachment develops between the hostage and his
captor. As time wears on, both captive and captor find themselves locked in a
mutual fate. The captive feels powerless before the captor, thus he or she begins
to identify with him, and perceives that his hopes for survival reside with the
captor. The captor is seen as having the opportunity to offer life to the captive
- if only the authorities will agree to the captors demands.
The fact that
the captive has been put by the captor in a situation where the captives
life has become a commodity of exchange interestingly enough is ignored. It is
no longer the captor, but the negotiators who are perceived to be standing in
the way of survival and responsible for the prospect of death.
♦ Not Asymmetrical
transference process is not necessarily asymmetrical. A similar bond can be
created between the captor and the hostage. The impact of sharing physical space
under conditions of mutual crisis and stress build intimacy and an emotional bond
that generally serves as a proactive measure against the hostage being killed.
The strength of this bond is said to increase with time. In fact, it is commonly
said among those experienced with hostage negotiations that if a hostage is not
killed during the first fifteen minutes of an episode, the odds are that he will
not be killed.
is yet another reason why time is perceived to be on the side of the negotiators.
As the situation progresses and the prospect of imminent death continues, all
but suicidally-inclined captors desire some way out of the situation. Also, as
time wears on, the police can rotate personnel. The hostage takers, unless well
equipped, trained, and in significant numbers, will find that their capacity to
act decisively and think clearly will erode with time. However,
the process of transference is not simply a function of time. It is also dependent on the nature of the interaction between hostage taker and hostage. All things
being equal, the longer the period of time in which the interaction between hostage
and captor takes place, the greater the degree of transference. However, if the
interaction is hostile, transference will generally not take place.
Transference during Skyjacking
treating a PTSD client, the professional Code of Ethics states to respect the
clients self-determination. However, in this next case study ask yourself,
is there a question in your mind regarding the actions of the passengers on this
skyjacked plane? Interviews conducted by the FBI with passengers on a Trans World
Airlines flight skyjacked to Paris graphically illustrate the relationship between
transference and the quality of interaction between hostage and terrorist.
of the skyjackers was described as abusive, arrogant, and threatening. He had
a habit of continually touching the phony dynamite brought on board in such a
fashion as to add to the passengers anxieties. As a result of these threatening
actions, individuals who had substantial contact with him did not experience transference. In
direct contrast, the feelings of the passengers toward a female skyjacker, who
was warm and outgoing while she played hostess to the passengers, were very positive.
She was referred to by some of the passengers as the perfect hostess.
Another one of the skyjackers was also warm and positive in his reactions to the
passengers who had contact with him.
♦ Predetermined Hostilities
However, transference will generally not take place when there are predetermined racial
or ethnic hostilities between captive and captor. Israeli officials indicated
that there has not been one instance of transference by an Israeli hostage toward
an Arab captor. Transference will also be precluded when the hostage is capable
of maintaining some intellectual distance, which enables the objective assessment
of ones plight as having been used by ones captors.
Objective Assessment
an example of objective assessment. Once again note this incident took place prior
to September 11th, which will become evident as the story unfolds. Richard Brockman,
a 29-year-old psychiatric resident at New Yorks Columbia Presbyterian Hospital,
was aboard the ill-fated TWA Flight 355 when the terrorists seized it. In an article
titled, Notes While Being Hijacked, he detailed his response to thirty
terrifying hours on board the flight. At the conclusion of the episode, the intercom
blared and Brockman recalled:
is the captain speaking. His voice is clean, no cracks. We have all
been through an incredible experience. But it is over for us. No one is hurt.
However, it is not over for our hijackers. Their ordeal is just beginning. They
have a cause. They are brave, committed people. Idealistic dedicated people. Like
the people who helped to shape our country. They are trying to do the same for
theirs. I think we should all give them a hand.
Dr. Brockman writes
the hijackers are smiling. The audience is applauding. Quite a shocking story
given recent events.
For Dr. Brockman, even in the surge of relief, he
could not develop the emotional affinity for the hijackers that many of the other
passengers did. To the end, he was distant and objective, aware that his life
had been negotiated for some higher objective in which he was only a participant
as an accident of circumstance.
debriefing passengers and crew, agents of the FBI noted that individuals who actively
and consciously went out of their way to interact with the terrorists were most
likely to experience transference.
4 Transference Variables
♦ In
summary, it appears from case by case observations that a number of variables
enter into determining whether transference will take place:
(1) the length
of time the hostage and captors are confined;
(2) the quality of the interaction
- were the hostages well treated?;
(3) the existence of predetermined racial
or ethnic hostilities between hostage and captor;
(4) the predisposition on
the part of some hostages to seek out and relate to their captors.
course, one of the most publicized episodes of transference by a hostage to her
captors is that demonstrated by newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst, who not only
took a lover from among her captors but also provided them with covering gunfire
when they were about to be seized for shoplifting. Patricia Hearsts behavior
was different only in degree from what is commonly observed in hostages under
long-term stress. And if Patricia Hearsts responses were more extreme, it
is also true that the conditions of her captivity, both in terms of the severity
of deprivation and duration, were also extreme. These factors were probably exacerbated
by her age and lack of experience.
Heres an ethical point for you to ponder,
regarding these case studies of transference, if you have experienced a loss due
to an act of terrorism: What do you feel you need to do if you treat clients who
experience a positive transference towards a terrorist? Would you consider referring
the client to another therapist?
Reviewed 2023
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Carsky, M. (2020). How treatment arrangements enhance transference analysis in transference-focused psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology. Advance online publication.
Glad, K. A., Hafstad, G. S., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2017). A longitudinal study of psychological distress and exposure to trauma reminders after terrorism. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 9(Suppl 1), 145–152.
Himmerich, S. J., Ellis, R. A., & Orcutt, H. K. (2020). Application of PTSD alcohol expectancy symptom clusters to the four-dimensional model of PTSD: Support from moderations of the association between symptoms of posttraumatic stress and alcohol use. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(4), 347–355.
Hyland, P., Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., McElroy, E., Ben-Ezra, M., Cloitre, M., & Brewin, C. R. (2021). Does requiring trauma exposure affect rates of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD? Implications for DSM–5. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 13(2), 133–141.
Kaufman, J. S., Allbaugh, L. J., & Wright, M. O. (2018). Relational wellbeing following traumatic interpersonal events and challenges to core beliefs. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10(1), 103–111.
Levy, K. N., & Scala, J. W. (2012). Transference, transference interpretations, and transference-focused psychotherapies. Psychotherapy, 49(3), 391–403.
What four variables enter into determining whether transference between
hostage and captors will take place? To select and enter your answer go to .