![]() Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979 CE for Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, & MFT!! Section 3
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In the last section, we discussed 5 Steps for Day to Day Survival. As we discussed in section 1, the client’s goal for the first few months after divorce or separation is simply getting by from day to day. I find 5 steps which can help clients out in doing just that are see a lawyer, plan finances, let people know, make a comfortable nest, and treat yourself. In the case study used for the last two sections, Carol didn’t have any children. However, does your divorced client have children? Would some guidelines regarding things to know and do at the beginning of a separation benefit your client? In this section, we will discuss being straight with the kids. This will include five considerations for divorced or separated parents. These are telling them what’s happening, reassure children with certainty, lifting blame, influencing a child’s development, and avoiding bad mouthing. 5 Ways to be Straight with the Kids ♦ #1 Tell Them What’s Happening First, let’s discuss telling them what’s happening. In straightforward, concrete terms appropriate to the age and maturity levels of the children, clients with children might find it productive to tell them clearly what’s happening. Hal, age 35, didn’t know what to tell his children. Hal’s wife had left him and the children for another man. Hal stated, "I’ve just been telling them that mommy took a vacation. But I know I can’t keep up this lie forever." Hal understood that evading the truth was unnecessary. Hal stated, "I don’t want to damage my kids, and me lying to them is unfair. I’m going to tell them because they have a right to know the truth about something so important to them." Has your client talked with his or her children about the separation or divorce yet? ♦ #2 Reassure Them with Certainty Next, let’s examine how parents can reassure children with certainty. Hal was unsure how to talk to his children, though. I stated to Hal, "Reassure them that, even though mommy and daddy are separating, you still love them. A productive way to word it is that, ‘Mommy still loves you and Daddy still loves you.’ Also, you might consider explaining that their mother will always be their mother and you’ll always be their father." Think of your Hal. Could using exact and absolute terms such as ‘always’ help provide your client’s children with at least some level of certainty? ♦ #3 Lift Blame In addition to reassuring them with certainty and telling them what’s happening, a third consideration is lifting blame. I explained to Hal that children regard themselves as causal. They have a tendency to see themselves as the cause of whatever happens around them. Therefore, would you agree that it is productive for clients to reassure children that the separation is not their fault; that something has gone wrong between mother and father, and it’s nothing that the children did? ♦ #4 Influence Their Development Next, let’s look at how parents can influence a child’s development. Hal stated, "I’m very concerned that, coming from a broken home, my children will turn out badly." How might you have responded to Hal? I stated, "How your children turn out will be influenced by how you and your ex-wife handle the separation. For example, it’s vital to try and ensure regular, consistent, dependable contact between the children and the non-custodial parent." As you know, this can be a problem for parents who have children who live with only one parent, thus only seeing the other parent at certain times. As long as those times are specified and predictable, however, the children should be alright. Research has shown that regular contact has positive long term effects on children. They turn out emotionally healthier and more secure. And, do you find that it facilitates relations between ex-spouses on practical issues of custody and support payments? ♦ #5 Avoiding Bad Mouthing Finally, let’s discuss avoiding bad mouthing. I stated to Hal, who was extremely frustrated with his ex-wife much of the time, "You might consider avoiding bad mouthing your ex-wife in front of the children. No matter how angry or bitter you are, she is still the mother of the children. It’s tempting to point out your ex’s failings to the kids, but doing so just makes a hard time for them." Hal responded, "You’re right. Why make them suffer for the inadequacies in my failed marriage?" Think of your Hal. Do you have a divorced or separated client who could benefit from listening to this section? In this section, we discussed being straight with the kids. This included five considerations for divorced or separated parents. These are telling them what’s happening, reassure children with certainty, lifting blame, influencing a child’s development, and avoiding bad mouthing. In the next section, we will discuss four basic anger management techniques regarding the divorced or separated client which are taking time out, finding harmless ways to release anger, talk your feelings out, and talking to the anger target without blaming or name calling. Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
O'Hara, K. L., Sandler, I. N., Wolchik, S. A., Tein, J.-Y., & Rhodes, C. A. (2019). Parenting time, parenting quality, interparental conflict, and mental health problems of children in high-conflict divorce. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(6), 690–703. Tein, J.-Y., Sandler, I. N., Braver, S. L., & Wolchik, S. A. (2013). Development of a brief parent-report risk index for children following parental divorce. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(6), 925–936. van Scheppingen, M. A., & Leopold, T. (2020). Trajectories of life satisfaction before, upon, and after divorce: Evidence from a new matching approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(6), 1444–1458. Weaver, J. M., & Schofield, T. J. (2015). Mediation and moderation of divorce effects on children’s behavior problems. Journal of Family Psychology, 29(1), 39–48. Weiss, B., Lavner, J. A., & Miller, J. D. (2018). Self- and partner-reported psychopathic traits’ relations with couples’ communication, marital satisfaction trajectories, and divorce in a longitudinal sample. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9(3), 239–249. Question 3: What are five considerations for divorced or separated parents regarding the children?To select and enter your answer go to Test. |